Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Comparison of metal Airsoft electric rifles to plastic Airsoft electric rifles

When it comes to airsoft rifles, there are two main types to choose between. Both of these types are electric rifles, it is just the material that they are made from that differs elite force. The first type is the metal Airsoft rifle and the second is the plastic Airsoft rifle.

What are the main differences between the different types?

The biggest difference is clearly the material that the guns are made from. Metal rifles will be faithful replicas of the shapes of the guns that they are mimicking, although internal workings will be different. From the exterior it will also be virtually impossible to tell the difference between an Airsoft rifle and a real rifle. For this reason top manufacturers such as Elite Force place a clear stamp on their products. An Elite Force stamp is also an indication of a quality build.

Plastic rifles, such as those made by UK Arms airsoft, are still faithful shape replicas of weapons, but they are made out of hard-wearing, heavy duty plastics. While they look realistic, they do not quite have the same authenticity as metal rifles. UK Arms Airsoft rifles also use electric firing technology within their weapons.

Other than the material type, what other differences are there?

As the rifles are made from different materials, a rifle that is made from metal will be heavier than a rifle made from plastic. There is also a cost difference due to the differences in complexity of the manufacturing process. The average plastic rifle costs a few tens of dollars, while a comparable metal rifle will cost a couple of hundred dollars. Good rifles from both camps will be supplied with chargers and accessories that are appropriate to the weapon and some also come with simple optical sights as well.

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